Gift Aid submissions to HMRC

As a charity organisation, CUK gets part of its income from Gift Aid claims from HMRC. In the past, this was a manual exercise that involved compiling excel files and emailing them to HMRC, that was until HMRC changed the process with development of a system that requires organisations like CUK to make an automated submission.
The work
Geecon developed an application for CUK with the following functionality:
- APIs which seamlessly integrate with HMRC’s portal
- Data validation to identify any potential errors as per HMRC gateway specification
- Ability of the application to integrate with other relevant systems
- Security layers to allow safe data transmission when submitting data to HMRC
- Management Reports to analyse submitted data
The Result
CUK is working very well with the new Gift Aid application. They are able to connect to the HMRC portal and make successful monthly gift aid submissions. CUK also has access to dynamic reports on their submissions to HMRC.