Mobile application – Factory fresh

Factory Fresh allows you to shop your favourite grocery stores from the comfort of your home, using your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Select the items you want, and schedule a delivery. The groceries can be delivered to your doorstep in as little as two hour, but you can also request for them to be delivered later in the day, or even in a few days (you can schedule a delivery up to six days ahead of time). You also have the option of picking the groceries up yourself in store, which still saves you the hassle of walking the aisles in search of your desired items. Simply shop for what you want on Factory Fresh, select a pickup time, and show up to the grocery store later to pick up your items. Only select locations of some grocery stores offer the option of pick-up.
The product owner addressed us with the iOS version of the app at hand. Ours was development of a Java-based application for Android that would be seamlessly integrated within the existing ecosystem of Urbery. We were provided with the app design materials of the iOS version, adjusted them for Android, and quickly launched development.
Speed was the keyword from the beginning; but the importance of deadlines was not a reason to forget about quality. Frequent deliveries made sure that this app ran properly within the entire system. Moreover, we suggested and implemented several UI improvements for better user experience and prepared attractive graphical materials for the release.
Registration & account management (email, Facebook, Twitter)
Password reset
Online grocery orders and notes
Shopping items, subcategories, details
Item substitution preference (Call/Text/Trust/Unspecified)
Search and filters
Shopping wishlist
Payments with credit cards
Black out days with disabled checkout (e.g. holidays)
Although we had no source code of the iOS version to back our efforts, we made a fully viable Android version that appeared on Google Play on time, and actually improved on the original app. The product owner was impressed with our ability to satisfy demands within strict deadlines and limited available materials, putting professional intuition and experience of our developers to effective practice. Everyone was very pleased with this endeavor—it’s one of our most illustrative examples of developing custom software for retail—and our company would always be glad to return to further development of this product, whenever it might be required.
mobile app development services
mobile application development
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